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* Offer good until September 5th, 2023
The latest version of Dada Mail, v11.21.0 is here! What’s new?
v11.21.0 has a few nice features pertaining to the message archives. Look for new pagination navigation elements in both the public user-facing archives, as well as in the admin side in the list control panel,

Search has also been improved, with pagination there as well. Search is also now available in the admin side in the list control panel!

Finally, caching has been greatly improved, especially for the archive screens, helping with server and app performance.

Full changelog for v11.21.0 is below:
This version of Dada Mail is a feature release, with a few bug fixes.
Message Archive Search
Search for message archives has been added to the admin view of the archives in the list control panel.
Message Archive Pagination
Pagination has been added to the user view of messages archives, including search. Along with pagination being a nice-to-have feature, since search results were not pagination in past versions, queries could have been returned with an incredible amount of search results to be shown on the single screen. This realistically could have been a detriment to server performance if too many search queries were returned in a small amount of time.
Pagination has also been added to the admin view of the messag archives in the list control panel, including search.
reCAPTCHA protection on the Global Configuration plugin #1155
It seemed a good idea to protect the use of reconfiguring the entire app through this plugin by further protecting the form that allows you to do so with a CAPTCHA. This is now the case.
Change DADA::Security::SimpleAuthStringState to use an SQL table/database
The login forms are protected by a simple CSRF-like scheme. The backend using a DB File, rather than having the information needed for the protection saved in the SQL backend. In rare circumstances, the prerequisits to use these DB Files can be unavailable on the account.
This version changes this to have that info saved in a SQL table, and removes the need to use the DB Files.
Using the new backend should be transparent to the user – nothing extra is required. There will be a new table in the database named, dada_simple_auth_str
Scheduled Jobs (cronjobs) don’t list all the individual jobs that can be run #1161
List Control Panel Archive Index Screen shows empty interface if no archived messages are available #1162
Screen Cache is cleaned out every time scheduled jobs (cronjob) is ran #1163
Individual archive message screens (public view) aren’t always cached #1164
“Forward to a Friend” form doesn’t have any required fields #1165